
About Agrani Insurance Securities Ltd.

Agrani Insurance Securities Limited been incorporated on March 2021 a public company limited by registered under companies Act. certification of incorporation no. C-169949/2021 59% owned by Agrani Insurance Company Limited. AISL has authorized capital of BDT 250 million a 100

The company aims to have a strong commitment to its corporate, institutional clients. The of AISL to provide professional and services to our clients and offer highest quality products. We are aiming to provide investors a platform to trade in both Dhaka Stock Exchange (DSE) and Chittagong Stock Exchange (CSE). Our services will be comprehensive in nature, including brokerage, CDBL, research and custodian services. We will provide all types of Brokerage Services through DSE and CSE starting from Beneficiary Account (BO) opening to CDBL related services. Thus AISL is dedicated for the development and expansion of the Capital Market.

DP Service

Brokerage Service

IPO Application

Investor Relation Service

vision & mission

Our goal is to be a market leader by providing all encompassing international standard brokerage services to maximize the wealth of our investors with confidence,

We are strongly committed to establishing a lasting relationship with our clients by providing quality services with integrity, maintaining corporate governance through our skilled and qualified human resources, our joint commitment to develop and contribute to the capital market and contributing to the social responsibility and economic development of the country.
chairman's message

It is my immense pleasure to be able to present my company Agrani Insurance Securities Limited for your service. We are a full service broker and able to cater to needs of all classes of investors: Retail, Institutions and international. To better our services, we have reshaped ourselves recently-by hiring new talents and revamping the entire organization. We are now more efficient than ever.

We are well poised to set a new standard of service delivery by integrating technology to the fullest extent. Our principal objective is to ensure that we do each of the tasks in a better way than they are done by our peers.

We consider clients to be the heart of our business, thus we are ever more committed to give our best to ensure that our clients reach their objectives in the capital market. I will be glad if you if you consider us to take care of your investments.

We are also encouraging female investors. Woman who are over 18 years of age are eligible to invest. We're offering them a secure and comfortable environment for trading.

We're going ahead keeping some commitments in our heart: providing superior and prompt customer service, offering quality- rich and price-competitive finance solutions to the clients, responding quickly to the needs of the entrepreneurs in an honest, creditable and timely manner, promoting and serving equipment leasing and finance industry through partnership with the clients, maintaining dignity and high ethical standard at all levels of management.